Dick got a fire started early so that by the time everyone arrived the coals were ready for roasting weenies (and organic chicken weenies!) and, of course, S'mores. There were lots of fixings and side dishes and delicious desserts. It was a great feast in a lovely setting with brilliant spring-green buds and leaves, and an abundance of spring flowers - bluets, spring beauties and violets -lining the trails to the party site. Pat, our resident blacksmith, made some stakes for Dick's old horseshoe set, and as it got close to sundown, a handful of folks hiked further, up to Bella Vista (a lovely piece of property owned jointly by Elderberry and Potluck Farm) to watch the sunset. Awesome day.
Loretta, Marj, Mike, Rosemarie and Paul filling plates
Cynthia, Tatjana, Loretta, Marj, Cathy and Mike. Not a lot of health food on this table!
Joyce and Gus chatting in front of the love shack
Joyce, Nancy, Kelly and Jim (and Rosie's rear end)
Joyce watching Mike's great horseshoe throwing technique
Joyce and Paul took on Mary and Mike. Joyce and Paul had to do the defeat dance :)
Jack and Miles - Mary's son and grandson who live over the river and through the woods...
Miles wanted to play bocce. He was hilarious waddling around in his new shoes, which are a little too big yet!
Pretty place for a horseshoe match!
Nancy, Meg and Kelly hangin' out
Dick and Pat (Dick is happier than he looks!)
Marj, Joan, Tatjana and Pam
Miles is getting a ride home in Zeke (Dick's 4 wheeler)
Joyce watching the sunset at Bella Vista
Sunset. Ahhhhhhhh
Lovely day.