Our gardens are getting bigger! Vonda and Dave have now added another garden area, and the garden group has been growing food not only for themselves and Elderberry, but to donate as well. This month they donated 50 packets of collards, chard and kale to the Rougemont Food Pantry. At our last meal together we had 3 kale dishes! Of course, different members like doing different things, and some of the folks not interested in gardening have been doing things like art projects (a second painted quilt soon to go up on the common house and a third on a pump house), renovating the old log cabin, building a wood shop and cooking for needy neighbors (inside and outside of EB). And of course just relaxing and enjoying the lovely weather!

We have had two other fun events this month, and in both cases we didn't take photos!!! One was our annual talent show (originally a Potluck Farm event and now a joint event with Elderberry). We had singing, instrumentals, essays, story-telling, dancing, aromatherapy lesson and more! The other event was a lamb cook-out - lamb was served in many forms!
This coming weekend, June 26th, is a workday from 10-3. We have a good bit of mowing to do, and we'll be working on the log cabin renovation and probably several other projects. I promise to take photos!!