Well, since our last blog, Leslie DeBaun has joined and purchased the last house in the North Quad. Welcome Leslie! And today, Diana and David DenBeste have said they will be joining and buying the Western-most house in the South quad. Welcome Diana and David!!! This leaves two homes that are available and should be completed by next summer. Visitors are always welcome!
This weekend was action packed. It started with several of our members attending a class in Nonviolent Communication on Saturday. Then Saturday night we had an AMAZING 60th birthday party for Meg, and Sunday we had a full day of meetings and a tasty potluck dinner.
Meg's party was an absolute blast. She said for her birthday she wanted 60 songs. So the 30 or so of us at the party found many creative (and competitive) ways to sing songs and parts of songs. Even a couple of our gents who are generally pretty reserved were seen rockin' and rollin'. We had percussion, keyboard, ukulele and trumpet..... and a lot of a cappella.

Birthday girl Meg with her partner Kelly, toasting the birthday with a tasty drink - champagne with elderberry liquor!
Kelly, who has a beautiful voice, sang a lovely, romantic song to Meg -
and most of us were terribly teary-eyed
Below.... Kelly, Anne, Carl, Joyce, Marj and Amy. A mix of Elderberry folks, Potluck Farm folks and area friends came for the party.

Rosemarie, Anne, Jeff and Amy at the drink bar!
Two delicious birthday cakes (and a bunch of people)!

The music was a riot. Mickey not only has a great voice but is an awesome ukulele player and led us in a game where we had to come up with songs that contained a particular word. Michael serenaded us with his horn.
Michael, Hart, Anne and Jeff hanging out!

Richard and Jim - looking all too serious :)

We EASILY hit the 60 song mark! Mickey kept track throughout the evening.

Dave in a very rare moment did a very short dance!!!

Joyce and Cheryl light the candles.
Crazy dancing and singing..... to When The Saints Go Marching In. Hard to get clear photos when everyone is moving! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEG!!!!