Sunday, May 12, 2019

The Weather Gods Shined On Us!

We had a workday scheduled for this weekend with rain and thunderstorms predicted all day.  But we woke to clear skies and perfect workday weather.  We got a LOT done and it's so fun working together!  We finished staining the front and back porches of our little log cabin, did lots of weeding, and did some work in the common house.  We enjoyed having a guest - Ayn - from Raleigh, who also stayed for our monthly business meeting and a delicious potluck meal.  At our meeting we had an education session on Green Living, and learned a lot we didn't know!

Meg at work in the Hive

Mike, Joyce, Mary and Jon - part of the cabin staining team

Our guest, Ayn, helped Karolyn, Vonda and Barb with some weeding along Elderberry Lane

Joan, Minnie (pooch) and Joyce having a lunch break on the common house deck

Dick and Nancy - supervising I think!

Riley and Panthy hung out with us, 
Anne watering our pots

Jon getting started on staining the log cabin porch floor

Dave and Linda were a weeding team around the common house

Jeff wanted me to get a shot of this beautiful strawberry basket before the birds got to it!

Anne and Jeff have a beautiful yard - and they share their plants!

Karolyn and Ayn

Barb and Vonda

Mike and Richard staining the log cabin front porch - some places hard to reach!

Mike, Joyce and Richard all hard at work

Mike stretching from an extension ladder!  Don't let OSHA see this photo...

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Crazy Combo Party

Well, sometimes we just have too many party ideas and too little time!  Every year we have a Kentucky Derby party (complete with hats, mint juleps, betting and singing My Old Kentucky Home).  This year, we also wanted to have a 60s party send-off for Diana and David, who have decided, sadly, to move to Hillsborough to be closer to town (we are definitely a rural community). So we combined the two events, which made for some interesting costumes.

Mike, Betsy and Joyce - Mike has had his peace medallion since the 60s!

Anne and Glaeshia -skirts and dresses!

Glaeshia, Meg, Joan, Joyce, Karen and Karolyn looking very festive. 
We tried to get all the guys for a photo too, but no luck!

Watching the horses getting loaded for the race

Karolyn is adorable!

Mary, David, Diana and Glaeshia

Evey was having a grand time!

We did an Elderberry Trivia Quiz. 
This is the team that won (Karolyn David, Dave and Richard)
Dave has both a long history with Elderberry AND a great memory!

Jon - classic 60's!!!

David - very dapper!!!  The suit was from some costume event, but the hat was actually from a wedding!

There was 60s food too - fondue, casseroles and (my favorite) potato chips and Lipton onion soup dip! 
This was one of our less healthy meals!

Karen and Stewart had the winning horse and won the pot,
UNTIL the winning horse was disqualified and Betsy won the pot!!

Diana, Glaeshia and Joyce working on the trivia quiz

Betsy, Mike and Mickey were a close second on the quiz

We finished off the evening with dancing to 60's music.  Wild night!