Sunday, September 23, 2018

Painting the Hive

We call our common house the Hive.  This dates from a visioning meeting before the common house was built, when one person said that she envisioned our common house as a bee hive of activity.  Well, it is! 

We built the Hive ourselves. It is a 22-sided, energy efficient, 2800 square foot pre-fab building (like a yurt) and it was delivered in pieces on two semi trucks.  Before we had any homes here, we started building it.  We hired a foreman, and with 6-8 friends and neighbors helping out every day for 9 days, we got it dried in.  Then we took the next year and a half to finish the interior (doing most of the work ourselves). 

The Hive was due for a new paint job this year, so we decided to do that ourselves too.  Mike was our amazing planner and crew chief, and in the space of about 8 hours, with 13 community members helping, we got it repainted (including the soffits and all of the doors).  It is truly amazing what you can do with a group of friends!  It was a perfect day for painting - it threatened rain, but ended up being cool and cloudy.  We had a great time together, and in our conversations while painting we learned a lot of interesting histories (especially, for some reason, anniversary stories!).

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