What happens when your grandson hands you his most favorite, precious toy, Iron Man, to keep you company as you head to the beach? You create a beach adventure!
It had been over a year since I had an opportunity to spend unmasked time with some very old friends (our friendship is old — and, well, we are old too!) on a trip to the beach.
We all strictly quarantined for two weeks before arriving. For me, this involved separating from my friends at Elderberry and removing myself from a quarantine bubble with my grandkids.
Saying goodbye to 5-year-old Evey and 6-year-old Miles was hard. There would be no hugs for many weeks (once out of their bubble I would have to quarantine to return to my grandkids’ bubble). They live on Elderberry Lane, a stone’s throw from our community, and are a regular part of my life.
As I was saying goodbye, Miles handed me Iron Man. He told me he wanted me to have Iron Man at the beach to keep me company.
Baba (grandma aka Mary) dressed for our first cold day on the beach.
Iron Man decided to brave the weather without a jacket or a hat.
“Well, I am Iron Man you know!”
Did you know Iron Man was a lifeguard when he was a kid?
He and Riley (Mary’s sweet old dog) made sure everyone kept safe.
“Sorry, no body surfing today!”
Don’t we all just love getting our feet buried in sand?
Even if they’re just tiny little Iron Man feet?
Iron Man is such a tourist, collecting and even wearing sea shells.
“Hey, I need pockets. I don’t have any pockets!”
Maybe time for just one last selfie before we leave?
“Wait, my arms are too short!”
We’re back at the beach house, happy, tired and covered in sand.
“Hey, does anyone smell wet dog in here?”
Iron Man and Barb play a friendly game of cribbage.
“Yes, and no one got skunked this time!”
Now this is an Iron Man-sized drink!
“Watch me pop this can with one finger!”
Today, a visit to the Veggie Wagon, and Iron Man assists.
“The ladies will have hot chocolate. I’ll have a great local brew!”
“Forget my figure! I’m coming back for thirds on everything!”
“I’m sitting on top of the world!
Ruler of all the sweets I can eat!”
I don’t like vegetables. I love vegetables!
They come is so many cool colors and shapes, you might not see me.
“Let’s thank all the gardeners among us!”
“Home again! How about a healthy smoothie from those
vegetables? Life isn’t all about chocolate and pastries and brew,
although I might reconsider.”

Snuggle bunnies.
“Thanks for a wonderful adventure, Baba!”
Miles and Evey loved the daily photos Mary sent, and their parents said
“Now everyone is jealous of Iron Man!”
Layout and captions by Joyce
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